How Will You Decide on Your Financial Planner?

Decision making can be hard. As humans, we often suffer from mental biases that hinder our ability to make ideal choices. Or we simply leave things in the ‘too hard basket ’knowing we will get around to sorting it out one day. As a financial adviser, I often find myself helping clients navigate this process, […]

Bitcoin Explained- What you need to know

Heard about this thing called bitcoin? Unless you’ve been living under a rock we’re guessing: yes, you have. The first and most famous digital cryptocurrency has been racking up headlines late last year due to a breathtaking rise in value — cracking the $1,000 threshold for the first time on Jan. 1 before ascending to nearly $19,000 in […]

2017 Federal Budget- Breaking it down

So another Federal Budget was handed down last night, and on the big scale of things, has left many things untouched. The good news? Business can continue as normal without having to get their head around yet more changes. So let’s review the changes: Company tax rate As promised last year, the government is committed […]

How to get the most from your Accountant | Part 2

The best accountants add value to your business – here’s how to make sure your accountant is ticking all the boxes. Here is our promised final 5 of 10 tips for getting the most from your accountant while managing the cost of their service. These are important issues to address. Your accountant can make a […]


Is Cash Flow a concern in your Business? One consideration is the instant tax deduction for assets costing less than $20,000 (i.e. up to $19,999 excluding GST), which allows Small Businesses to bring forward tax deductions that would otherwise be deductible over a number of years. Example: Ben runs a painting business with an aggregate […]