Affinitas Accounting has statistically knocked the ball out of the park for the second year running, lodging 93.7% of client returns on time in FY2020.
The ATO’s benchmark for a good lodging practice is 85% or better. And despite the challenges thrown up by Covid-19, Affinitas was able to improve on the 92.3% mark achieved in FY2019.
It is important for taxpayers to realise that the ATO does not just track the lodgement record of each individual lodger. It also monitors the record of the tax agent who lodges your return.
The ATO issues certificates to practices who better the 85% benchmark in recognition that they are actively involved in assisting clients to meet their tax obligations in a timely manner.
There are times when accounting firms like Affinitas need to approach the ATO, on behalf of clients, to ask for lodgement extensions and other special consideration.
A good lodgement record does not guarantee a request will be granted, but the ATO does have the comfort of knowing that it is dealing with an accounting practice with high standards and that does its absolute best to ensure client lodgements remain up to date.
The Affinitas Accounting tax team is now busy creating it’s lodgement record for FY2021. Contact 07 3510 1500 or