Nursing is an excellent profession that is well respected worldwide. It is regarded as the most trustworthy, honest and ethically sound profession. Its popularity clearly highlights how people all over the country appreciate their hard work and commitment. They work tirelessly day and night, performing their duties in different wards taking care of various patients. So in this tightly scheduled lifestyle, it is often observed how it is immensely difficult for these professionals to take out the time to figure out ways to deduce their taxes.
The Australian Tax Office (ATO) has put forward a list of possible items upon which the nurses can claim a tax deduction. It is to be remembered that to ensure this deduction is made, you must have all required receipts with you in hand.
The list below covers all the possible items upon which the nurses can claim a tax deduction.
As per following the rules and regulation of the work place, all employees must follow a certain dress code. Nurses must wear their uniform, which has a clear logo of the hospital. Alongside the uniform, related protective equipment is also provided which includes hats, shoes etc. Nurses can claim the laundry and alteration expenses for their uniforms.
To carry out the daily tasks, a set of stationary is required. This includes registers, pens, and planners and so on.
In order to communicate on duty, pagers or mobile phones are used. Nurses can therefore claim a specific percentage of the mobile bill to be paid by the hospital, which was used for work related calls. Similarly, if you own a laptop or use a computer for the record keeping of related data at the hospital then it is essential for you to claim depreciation costs for these items as well.
In case you subscribe to various nursing magazines and journals for educations and work related purposes, you can possibly add them to your deduction list too.
It is often observed how nurse have to travel from one shift to the other, transporting patients from one place to the other. All these trips require a car upon which a significant claim can be obtained. Always keep your logbook with you as a proof. It is important to note how the travel from home to work or vice versa does not count in this.
In case where you are studying on your own, building up your skills to strengthen your position in the field, the expenses attached with this can be claimed. However if the intention of doing so is different that the required one, then no claim can be made.